Contains numerous symbol libraries followed by standards of ISO, IEC and JIC.Can be used for troubleshooting and designing of hydraulics, pneumatic and electrical control systems.Handy application for engineers, trainer and maintenance personnel.Can design electrical projects apprehended from Famic Technologies Inc.Used as simulation and documentation for Fluid Power systems.Impressive circuit designing application.Altogether this software is very handy designing tool. If you are a project owner you have the command to give access to other users.

This software also lets you to safely share your information with your colleagues, suppliers or customers. the specialists of fields like Fluid Power, Electrical and Automation find this software a real beneficial application. And all of these libraries follow the standards of ISO, IEC and JIC etc. This software contains a large number of various symbol libraries.

It includes professional and educational purposes. There are three different versions available of this software each for different people. It can also be used for the troubleshooting and designing of hydraulics, synoptic, pneumatic and other electrical control systems. This software becomes very handy for people like engineers, trainers and service and maintenance personnel. Its uses include its programming for CAD, maintenance and other training tenancies. It has many uses and it is special software. The electrical projects apprehended from Famic Technologies Inc. It is also used as a simulation and project documentation software for Fluid Power systems. Automation Studio™ P6 Professional EditionĪutomation Studio™ P6 Professional Edition is the All-in-One Innovative Software Solution to Increase Engineering Productivity.Īutomation Studio is a circuit designing software.